TDI Trimix

Are you looking to expand your depth range? One of the major limiting factors of going deeper is narcosis; TDI’s Trimix Diver course shows how to minimize the effects of narcosis by adding helium to offset the nitrogen in your breathing gas. While taking the Trimix Diver course your TDI Instructor will teach you how to plan and execute dives utilizing as little as 18 percent oxygen and diving to a maximum depth of 60 meters/ 200 feet with a blend of helium appropriate for the planned depth.

What you can expect to learn?

Advanced decompression dive planning including:
Gas planning based on equivalent narcotic depths
Nitrogen and helium absorption and elimination
Decompression Options
CNS and OUT limits, Isobaric Counter diffusion
Decompression gas choices
Decompression diving Procedures
Equipment selection
Pre-dive checks and drills
Following a decompression schedule
Gas switching
Management of multiple decompression/ stage cylinders
Emergency procedure
Equipment considerations

Course Prerequisites

Minimum age 18 years old
Certified TDI Advanced Nitrox and Decompression procedures diver or equivalent
Proof of 100 logged dives

Number of dives7
Max Depth60 meters
Duration4 days
ConfigurationTwin tanks or Sidemount + 2 stage tanks