TDI Extended Range

The TDI Extended Range course teaches you the proper techniques for utilizing air as a breathing gas, to a maximum depth of 55 meters/ 180 feet. The Course provides the training and experience necessary including proper techniques, equipment requirements, and hazards of deep air diving, to competently utilize air for dives that require staged decompression, using nitrox mixtures or/ and oxygen during decompression.

What you can expect to learn?

History of deep air diving
Decompression Options
Equipment Considerations
Dive Tables
Dive planning
Diving procedures
Descent considerations
Ascent considerations
Technical dive support

Some of the required skills

Demonstrate buoyancy control
Show good awareness of buddy and other team members
Demonstrate the ability to manage free flow from primary regulator
Conduct appropriate safety stop while maintaining neutral buoyancy
Demonstrate the ability to share air with buddy
Demonstrate correct body position; appropriate trim

Course Prerequisites

Minimum age 18 years old
Certified TDI Decompression procedures or equivalent

Number of dives7
Max Depth55 meters
Duration 4 days
ConfigurationTwin tanks or Sidemount + 2 stage tanks